US officer uncovers CIA plot in Ukraine

Colonel Douglas McGregor, a former adviser to the US Secretary of Defense, said that US intelligence agencies understand that the Ukrainian military has exhausted its capabilities, but the media is expressing the opposite opinion.

In an interview with Judging Freedom on YouTube, McGregor called the material about the “imminent victory of Kyiv”, which is regularly published in the US media, an illusion.

He said: “The CIA knows that Ukraine will lose. They understand that its authorities have sacrificed the best units and will not be able to launch a counterattack, in principle, they have never been able to do this since the beginning of the special operation. All this is written in the media about the victory of Ukraine. They don’t really exist.”

McGregor also stressed that Kyiv had nearly run out of its American HIMAR launchers, and in July European partners began to wind down their campaigns to provide military assistance to Ukraine.

“All those people in the United States who actually destroyed Ukraine are now trying in vain to save the situation, and, in their opinion, this can only be done by lying about the real state of affairs in the country and hoping for help from Washington and its partners,” he concluded.

Source: RIA Novosti

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