Militants seize Libyan striker in abduction incident

Today, on Wednesday, the Libyan media spread the news about the kidnapping of Libyan striker Mohamed Zaabiya, amid conflicts over the circumstances of his disappearance.

Libyan journalist Bashir Zaabiya, a striker for Al-Ittihad club and the Libyan national team, said he had lost contact with his nephew since last Thursday.

Zaabiye said in a “post” on Facebook last Sunday: “Several friends asked me privately about the validity of the circulating news about the kidnapping of the Al-Ittihad star and the national team of Muhammad Zaabiyya… Yes, I have lost contact with Muhammad since last Thursday.”

Some newspapers spread the news about the arrest of the player Muhammad Zabiya and the artist Asil Bahir, who was present with him, by an armed group associated with the Stability Support Agency, led by Ghinwa al-Kikli, and took Zaabiya by force of arms to their headquarters in the Abu Salim district.

Local Libyan media reported that Zabiya was arrested after talking to an agency employee at a hospital on Al Zawiya Street while visiting a friend who was injured in a hospital in the capital Tripoli.

Mohamed Zaabie played for several Arab clubs, most notably Libyan and Arab Qatari clubs, JS Kabylie, Algerian Mouloudia of Oran and Tunisian Esperance Club, and for the Libyan national team in the 2010 World Cup qualifiers.

The 34-year-old is currently undergoing physical therapy and is still on crutches after suffering a serious left leg injury in February last year and undergoing surgery.

Source: media

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