Turkey Reveals Images of ISIS Leader’s Residence Prior to His Elimination by Turkish Intelligence

Turkish media released a video clip that they said was about the building where ISIS leader Abu al-Hussein al-Qurashi stayed, who was neutralized during a Turkish intelligence operation in Syria.

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said earlier that Turkish intelligence managed to eliminate the leader of the organization in Syria after he hunted him down for a long time.

The so-called "Abu Al-Hussein Al-Husseini Al-Qurashi" is considered the fourth leader of the ISIS organization, and he assumed this position on November 30 last 2022.

A so-called "representative of a state organization" named "Abu Omar Al-Muhajir" reported his setup in an audio recording, where Al-Muhajir mentioned in the recording that the "third" leader of ISIS, "Abu Al-Hassan al-Hashemi al- Kurashi", was killed during a fight.

Source: agencies

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