The Duma appeals to the parliaments of the world on the activities of American biological laboratories

In the draft address of the Russian Federal Assembly with its two chambers (the State Duma and the Federation), deputies called on the world’s parliaments to hold their governments accountable for US biological and military activities outside their territory.

This is precisely what is stated in the document submitted today to the State Duma by Vice Speaker of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya and the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, which, as Vice Speaker of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev said, the Federation Council will discuss in its plenary session on Wednesday.

In this document, the Russian Federal Assembly invites the parliaments of countries around the world that operate biological laboratories controlled by the United States of America to request from their national governments information on the existence and nature of the activities of the Agency to reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction of the US Department of Defense DTRA, which damage national sovereignty , provide a legal and political assessment of the agreements that the NHS enters into with the US Department of Defense.

The document considers that these agreements are deliberately discriminatory and aimed at concealing the risks of ongoing research conducted by these institutions in relation to citizens of these countries, as evidenced by the system of restricting or even completely prohibiting access to biological laboratories and concealing the nature of the work carried out in them, even for national security services of these countries.

And the Russian deputies indicate in their document that this “will reveal the true content of American biomedical projects, prevent military biological threats and serious consequences for the life and health of citizens that these experiments can cause.”

Source: TASS

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