Settlements lack legal legitimacy, says Middle East peace process coordinator

United Nations Middle East Peace Process Coordinator Thor Winsland expressed his deep concern about the Israeli government’s decision to change settlement planning procedures that have been in place since 1996.

In a press release, Wensland also expressed concern about “progress expected next week in the construction of more than 4,000 settlement housing units by Israeli planners,” stressing that “Israel’s establishment of settlements in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, does not has no legal legitimacy and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.

Wensland called on the Israeli government to “stop and reverse such decisions, which are a serious obstacle to achieving a two-state solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace”, considering that at a time of escalating violence and instability on the ground, and in light of the long absence of a political process and concerted international and regional efforts to support dialogue between the two sides, “such steps serve only to further alienate Israelis and Palestinians and risk destabilizing tense situations on the ground.” .”

Source: UN News.

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