Scenes of dozens of Syrians crossing the concrete wall separating Syria and Turkey

Footage has circulated on social media of dozens of Syrian youths crossing the Syrian-Turkish border after they managed to cross the concrete separation wall in northern Syria.

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Information was circulated that the video was filmed in the village of Al-Adwaniya in the western part of Ras al-Ain.

The Association of Tazur Victims confirmed that many Syrians were victims of false news about the ease of crossing the border with Turkey from the Ras al-Ain region.

The association said the fighters were arrested by Turkish-backed Syrian National Army factions in Ras al-Ain and its countryside, where they were ill-treated and tortured in Syrian National Army prisons, and some of their families were subjected to financial extortion.

Tazur's testimonies and information confirm that members and leaders of the Syrian National Opposition Army are running illegal human trafficking and smuggling operations into Turkey for money. Fewer than nine cases of infighting between these groups in Ras al-Ain in the first half of 2022 over disagreements over the distribution of human smuggling to Turkey.

Source: RT+

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