Foreign Affairs: America’s favorite weapon is no longer effective

Foreign Affairs magazine pointed out that the era of US economic sanctions is coming to an end, given that many countries of the world, primarily Russia and China, have developed effective measures to disrupt sanctions.

According to the magazine, the US “economic weapon of choice” no longer works.

The article, published on Tuesday, cites the opinion of Agatha Demar, a researcher at the Center for Global Forecasting, who believes that “Washington’s impunity for punitive measures has provoked resistance among the countries of the world.”

The article states that Moscow and Beijing have taken effective measures to disrupt the restrictions, in particular, the development of a mechanism for the exchange of bilateral currencies, allowing to abandon the dollar, the development of special payment systems and the phased use of digital currencies.

The appearance of a fragmented economic and financial map poses a serious threat to US diplomacy and national security.

The authors of the article note that the emergence of non-sanctioned financial channels not only means undermining the sanctions policy, but also means the appearance of white spots for the United States when trying to track illegal global activities, especially since tracking suspicious financial transactions or passing through certain countries is vital in fight against terrorism”.

Source: TASS

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