The United States and Britain have warned of the possibility of a terrorist attack in the Nigerian capital of Abuja, targeting government buildings, places of worship, schools and other facilities, among other things.
She said US Embassy in Nigeria: “There is an increased possibility of terrorist attacks in Nigeria, especially in Abuja.”
He added that shopping centers, law enforcement facilities and the headquarters of international organizations are at risk.
In a warning to Nigerian citizens, the embassy said “the US embassy will reduce its services until further notice.”
The Embassy urged people to avoid unnecessary travel or movement, to remain vigilant and avoid crowds.
On the other hand, he called UK government Its citizens in Nigeria need to be vigilant as the possibility of a terrorist attack in the country’s capital, Abuja, increases.
The statement said that the attacks could be indiscriminate and could affect the interests of the West, as well as places visited by tourists.
She added that most of the attacks are carried out by Boko Haram or ISIS in West Africa (ISWA), noting that they occur in the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa in the northeast.
Major attacks have also occurred in other states, including the states of Gombe, Kano, Kaduna, the Bauchi Plateau and Taraba.
Between May and July 2022, ISIS launched a series of attacks in Kogi, Niger, and the Federal District, and further attacks are likely.
He urged his citizens to put down roots and follow local news and security advice.
She explained that in the past, public places where crowds gather have been targeted, including places of worship, markets, malls, hotels, bars, restaurants, football centers, camps for displaced persons, transport stations, including rail networks, government buildings, etc. security and educational institutions (schools, colleges and universities of additional education of all regular facilities) and international organizations.
He noted that the attacks occurred during religious and public holidays in public or crowded places, including places of worship, as well as during elections.
Source: RT+agencies