The Ukrainian Asset Tracking and Management Agency said it has doubled its deposit portfolio in the past two months with seized funds totaling UAH 1.4 billion ($38 million).
The agency said that the largest source of replenishment was the funds received from the sale of Russian confiscated property.
“As of September 1, 2022, deposits amounted to UAH 581.8 million (USD 15.8 million), USD 1.25 million and EUR 2.5 million, for a total of UAH 717.4 million (USD 19.5 million). United States), the agency said. – the report says. As of November 1, these deposits amounted to more than 1108.5 million hryvnia (30.2 million US dollars), 5.2 million dollars and 3 million euros.
The agency stressed that these funds will be used to finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
“So far, the agency has purchased more than 450 million hryvnia ($12.3 million) of war bonds. Preparations are underway to purchase securities worth more than 410 million hryvnia ($11.2 million),” she said.
Earlier, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Yevgeny Enin said that about 7,000 companies in Ukraine were subjected to increased control by relevant security agencies for cooperation with Russia and Belarus as part of the asset search process.
Source: RIA Novosti