The number of accidents with the introduction of a mysterious substance in nightclubs in Catalonia has risen to 17

The Spanish newspaper Predeco reported that the number of complaints received by the police about injections in nightclubs in Catalonia had risen to 17.

Earlier it was reported that the local Catalan police “Mosos de Escuadra” is investigating seven appeals, and on Friday registered three new complaints.

The newspaper reported that “the Catalan police report that out of 17 complaints of assault, 16 were against women, one complaint came from a man.”

At the same time, local security sources indicated that the injections did not lead to sexual assault or theft in any of the incidents.

The first case, according to police, occurred on July 10 in the tourist and youth city of Lloret de Mar, where 12 cases occurred between that city and neighboring Blanes, while the remaining five cases were reported in Barcelona.

It was noted that after the injection, the victims begin to feel unwell and almost lose consciousness.

And the media reported that three girls and a boy turned to the police of the Spanish autonomous region of Navarra, saying that they were given an injection by unknown people during the celebration of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona. It is impossible to determine the composition of the injected substance, although there are serious doubts that this is liquid ecstasy, which can no longer be detected in the blood a few hours after administration. Biological samples were taken from the victims, but no toxic substances were found in the analyzes.

Source: RIA Novosti

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