The Acolyte: A Star Wars Series with More Jedi Than Ever Before

Star Wars Series: The Acolyte to Feature More Jedi Than Ever Before

Exciting news for Star Wars fans! The highly anticipated series, The Acolyte, is set to air on Disney+ next year, and it promises to be a treat for all Jedi enthusiasts. Showrunner Leslye Headland recently revealed in an exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly that the show will feature an unprecedented number of Jedi, surpassing any previous Star Wars production.

“We have more Jedi than any other Star Wars audiovisual work”

The Acolyte takes place during an unexplored era known as the High Republic, which is set about 100 years before the events of The Phantom Menace. This unique setting allows the show to delve into the dark sides of the Force and introduce characters with less binary morality than usual. The narrative choice offers a fresh perspective on the Star Wars universe and promises to bring a breath of fresh air to the franchise.

But that’s not all! The series will also mark a historic moment for the Star Wars universe, as it will feature the very first Jedi played by an Asian actor. This step towards diversity aims to pave the way for greater representation in a galaxy far, far away. Actor Manny Jacinto, who will portray this groundbreaking character, shared his excitement during the interview.

Frozen meets Kill Bill and Akira Kurosawa

Described as the meeting of Frozen, Kill Bill, and the works of the legendary Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, The Acolyte promises to be an epic adventure. The series will follow Amandla Stenberg, who plays a young Force user and former Jedi padawan, as she joins forces with her master to investigate a dark and imminent threat. Drawing inspiration from Solo: A Star Wars Story and The Phantom Menace, the show blends mystery, action, and exploration of the depths of the Force.

Themes inspired by Solo and The Phantom Menace

Leslye Headland, the creative genius behind The Acolyte, drew on a variety of inspirations to craft this innovative series. Notably, the Wookie Jedi character, Kelnacca, was inspired by Joonas Suotamo, the actor known for his portrayal of Chewbacca in the recent Star Wars films. This inclusion adds a fresh and exciting take on Jedi and iconic Star Wars species.

Incorporating themes explored in Solo: A Star Wars Story and The Phantom Menace, as well as the influence of director Kurosawa, The Acolyte promises to be a truly original addition to the Star Wars universe. With its bold exploration of the dark side of the Force, unique era setting, and morally complex characters, the series aims to please longtime fans while attracting new audiences.

Mark your calendars for 2024 when Star Wars: The Acolyte premieres on Disney+. In the meantime, get ready for the Ahsoka series, landing on Disney+ on August 23.

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