stylized "Ministry of Truth"German parliamentarians launch project to persecute Russian media, including RT

Andrea Lindholtz of the CSU launched a project in the Bundestag to create a national “service” that collects information about the activities of the pro-Russian media.

Lindholtz called for the creation of the service as a collection point for “Russian disinformation”, as German politicians reacted to the NDA investigation into the “shadow activities” of “pro-Russian” media, one way or another connected with RT DE. some parties of the Bundestag to more decisive action.

Lindholtz believes that “(the danger of Russian propaganda and disinformation) should not be underestimated”, especially when life becomes more expensive and there is a risk that people will become more vulnerable (to pro-Russian machinations)”, and pointed out that the federal government should “prevent the sowing propaganda seeds before they ever germinate.”

The German MP believes that Russia “continues to have a great influence on the formation of public opinion in the democratic countries of Europe through platforms that do not fall under European rules, and deliberately spreads disinformation about the Russian war in Ukraine or sows discord in European societies. “

Lindholz believes that the digital services law should contain safer and clearer rules and a liability clause for online platforms.

There is no doubt that the current reality in Europe exceeds the imagination of the writer George Orwell in his immortal novel 1984, where the protagonist Winston Smith works as an employee of the Ministry of Truth, in charge of propaganda and revision of history. and his job is to rewrite old articles and change historical facts so that they are consistent with what the ruling party always declares.

Therefore, it is not accidental or surprising that over the past few months we have witnessed and heard a furious campaign in Germany to vilify and persecute the Russian media, primarily RT DE.

Source: RT

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