Ryabkov – RT: We are watching and we know what Washington is seeking from the countries of the Middle East in relation to us

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said of US President Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia: “We are watching, we are monitoring and we know what Washington is trying to do in the Middle East.”

In an interview with RT, Ryabkov added: “The countries there actually refrained from participating in this (the Ukrainian crisis and the confrontation with Russia). We observe, monitor and know the policies and attempts of Washington, and what it wants from the countries. that region.”

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Ryabkov emphasized the close relationship between Russia and the countries of the Middle East: “We always put forward our proposals and initiatives in accordance with our knowledge of the situation there ... Also with regard to ensuring the strengthening of security in the region, our bilateral relations with the countries of this region are developing and strengthening well and comprehensively.”

“We have a good basis for deepening partnership between Russia and the countries of this region, including taking into account the opinions of these countries,” he added.

Source: RT

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