Russia’s Security Council Accuses the West of Undermining Relations with Kazakhstan

Aleksey Shevtsov, Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council, confirmed that Western countries seek to harm relations between Russia and Kazakhstan, as a continuation of the Anglo-Saxon approach based on sowing discord and provoking conflicts.

Shevtsov added during Russian-Kazakhstani security consultations: “Western countries seek to negatively influence Russian-Kazakhstani relations. The United States and its allies are trying to stir up nationalist sentiments and manipulate public opinion, including through the Internet and social networks in Kazakhstan, and this is direct interference in the affairs of states.”

Shevtsov added that the Anglo-Saxons are used to snooping around the world, and therefore they see a threat to themselves in strengthening cooperation between the CIS countries.

He said: “Cooperation between the countries of the Soviet Union poses a direct threat to the neo-colonial ambitions of the Anglo-Saxons, accustomed to invading the world. Their methods are well known… pressure, blackmail, provocation. and fueling conflicts. Both Russia and Kazakhstan are well aware of this.”

Source: TASS

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