Kit Harington’s Emotional Reaction to the Shocking End of Game of Thrones and the Future of the Series

Kit Harington Shocked by the End of Game of Thrones

Kit Harington, who played Jon Snow in the hit series Game of Thrones, was deeply affected by the show’s emotional ending. One of the most heartbreaking moments was the death of Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke, at the hands of Jon Snow. When the actors read the script for this scene, they were all moved, but it was Kit Harington who was particularly affected.

The Controversial Ending and the Future of Game of Thrones

Despite the divisive ending among fans, Game of Thrones has left a lasting impact. The immense success of the series has paved the way for numerous spin-offs. The first spin-off, House of the Dragons, based on the novel “Fire & Blood,” explores the history of the Targaryen family in Westeros. The initial ten episodes premiered on HBO in August 2022, with a second season set to release in 2024.

Another spin-off, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight, is also in development. However, due to an ongoing strike within the Hollywood industry involving directors and actors, production for this project has been put on hold. Despite the delay, we have some details about the plot, which focuses on Duncan, a man facing trial for defending a commoner.

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