Fortnite x Jujutsu Kaisen: New Manga Characters and Special Event Revealed

After Dragon Ball, another manga arrives in Fortnite

Fortnite has become the epitome of popular culture. Following the inclusion of DC and Marvel characters, as well as Dragon Ball Z and Naruto heroes, Epic Games’ Battle Royale now introduces the world of Jujutsu Kaisen manga!

Starting from August 25th at 8 a.m. French time, Jujutsu Kaisen will take over Fortnite. The game will feature new playable characters inspired by the manga.

Four playable heroes on the program

To celebrate the arrival of Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Fortnite presents a special event called “Break the curse!” Players are tasked with destroying hidden occult lamas to acquire new attacks, such as the powerful “Imaginary Equation: Purple” that demolishes anything in its path. By unlocking these abilities, players can earn cosmetic rewards like the Ten Shadows: Toad emote and progress in the new Battle Pass.

Moreover, purchasing the bonus path of the Battle Pass grants access to the Yuji Itadori outfit (hoodie). Additionally, players can now find the outfits of Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, and Satoru Gojo in the in-game store.

Furthermore, an upcoming event known as the Jujutsu Kaisen Cup, a Zero Construction Duo tournament, will commence on August 11th. Winners will receive various rewards, including the Good Jade Dog emoticon.

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