The economist told BFM TV that the French will have to return to telecommuting in order to survive the coming winter and save on energy amid reduced Russian gas supplies.
. added expert Stefan Pedrazzi: “Resuming remote work At first glance, it seems that the benefits are incomprehensible … However, there is an example of a quarantine when energy consumption decreased by five percent.”
He continued: “Other options are being considered. In particular, the possibility of changing the off-peak time to morning and evening is being considered. In addition, the option of reorganizing energy-intensive industries to reduce it is not ruled out.
Pedrazzi warned that the risk of gas shortages is very real. “Obviously that’s true, even if the government hasn’t announced it,” he said.
Earlier, French Energy Minister Agnès Panier Ronachette said that Russian gas imports were reduced, but not stopped.
Source: RIA Novosti