Cuban President before the Russian Duma: The aggressive strategy of Washington and NATO is the cause of the conflict in Ukraine

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez condemned the sanctions imposed by the West on Russia, calling them unfair and unfair.

Bermudez confirmed today in a speech before the Russian Duma that the cause of the conflict in Ukraine is the aggressive strategy of the United States and its plans to expand NATO at the expense of Russia’s national security.

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He pointed out that the Western sanctions imposed by the West on Russia and Cuba and the crises caused by them have not affected and will not affect the joint projects of the two countries.

He touched upon the project to develop the Boca de Jaroco field for the production of hydrocarbons, the investment of KAMAZ vehicles in Mariel, the modernization of the steel plant, in particular the alloy shop, and the project to modernize the railway in Cuba.

The embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba after the overthrow of the Cuban Revolution and the Batista regime in 1958 is the longest in modern history.

Source: News

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