Dozhd24 channel reported on the arrival of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Rome, where he will meet with the President and Prime Minister of Italy later on Saturday.
The channel added that Italian Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Taiani received Zelensky at Ciampino Airport. Then Zelensky is expected to meet with President Sergio Mattarella, after which he will hold talks with Prime Minister Georgia Meloni. In the afternoon, he will receive Pope Francis Zelensky.
For its part, the newspaper La Repubblica reported that Zelensky could stay in Rome overnight to go to Berlin in the morning.
The Italian police have stepped up security measures in Rome in connection with the arrival of the President of Ukraine and organized a no-fly zone in the center of the capital. Separate areas of the city are controlled by cynologists, snipers and military engineers. The sewer system, parks and the Tiber River are still under surveillance. In total, about 1,000 law enforcement officers are involved in ensuring security in the city.
Source: News