Israeli channel N12 reported that Iran-linked hacker group Sharp Boys on Tuesday leaked a file from the Israeli travel website via its Telegram channel.
The site states that “the group has focused its attacks on travel sites in recent weeks, and in the course of this, a number of files it received have been leaked”, as “the current file is huge and includes 120,000 records of various queries that appear to have been routed through the site, and extensive information. “information including the customer’s name, identification details, flight time, order value, and other sensitive information” while “credit card details were leaked, but on a smaller scale.”
For his part, Moshe Levy, a spokesman for the company, said: “We found hundreds of credit card numbers in the file, including the cardholder’s phone number, identity and residential address. This is a large repository of personal information. from several sites that the attackers managed to penetrate, including from one anyone who wants to can blackmail a large number of people with this information.”
It was also noted that “the attack didn’t end there, and that a number of people reported that they received threatening messages over the phone, signed by hackers, saying: ‘Where are you going… the journey… you are under our control.’
Source: “I24”