US Treasury secretary unveils terms of agreement at G20 financial summit

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said G20 finance officials have reached a “strong consensus” on many issues, including addressing the food security crisis, despite the Ukraine scandal.

Yellen said she is “delighted that the G20 has agreed to step up work on food security, promote open trade in agricultural products and avoid export restrictions,” Reuters reported.

Senior G20 finance officials will end their meeting in Indonesia today without issuing a joint statement, according to two sources from the participating AFP delegations, because no consensus could be reached after discussions dominated by the Russian military operation. in Ukraine.

The two-day meeting in Bali has witnessed a new confrontation between Westerners, who point to accusations that the Russian operation in Ukraine is behind accelerating inflation and the global food and energy crisis, and Russia, which accuses the West of causing a deterioration the state of the world economy by imposing sanctions on it.

Instead of the usual joint statement, the meeting is expected to end with a statement from Indonesia, which chairs the G20 this year, said a spokesman who attended the meeting, who asked not to be identified.

Another source stated that the substance of the discussions would be summarized in an untitled G20 declaration.

As the second day of the meeting began, Indonesian Central Bank Governor Piri Vargio urged participants to redouble efforts to develop a coordinated economic policy in light of accelerating inflation and growing risks to growth.

Russian Finance Minister Anton Sloanov attended an online meeting with two Russian officials.

Source: agencies

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