United Nations investigators to investigate human rights violations in Ethiopia announced that they had received government permission to travel to Addis Ababa, expressing the hope that they could reach other places in the country.
The UN Human Rights Council established this new international panel of experts on 17 December for a period of one year, renewable if necessary.
Yesterday, Thursday, her chief Kenyan lawyer, Kari Betty Murungi, presented the first technical report on the composition of the mission, but now she expressed the committee’s “concern” about violations of human rights, international humanitarian law and the rights of refugees “perpetrated on this day by various parties to the conflict in Ethiopia without any punishment.”
“The Committee insists that the Government of Ethiopia has an obligation to put an end to these violations on its territory and bring those responsible to justice,” she told the Human Rights Council, adding: “We are very concerned about the atrocities that continue to be committed against civilians, especially communications about incidents in the Oromiya region.” Any violence against civilians fueled by hate speech and incitement to ethnic violence and violence against women is a sign of early warning and a prelude to more heinous crimes.”
She stated that “the Ethiopian government responded positively to our request to visit Addis Ababa to continue the dialogue in order to agree on ways to cooperate with the commission”, expressing the hope that “these consultations will allow investigators to gain access to places where human rights violations have occurred, and also survivors, victims and witnesses.”
Source: AFP