The Ministry of Defense of Latvia proposes to introduce compulsory military service in the country

Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks said his ministry would propose to the government to introduce compulsory military service in the country, given that the current conscription system is outdated.

According to information published by BNS, the proposal provides for the gradual introduction of universal conscription over five years. And from January 1, 2023, the first stage will begin, in which it will be possible to participate voluntarily.

According to Pabriks, about 1,000 people can be called up in the first year, and calls are planned twice a year – on January 1 and July 1. Conscripts will be offered four types of service – general military service, five-year service in the Latvian National Guard with 20 days a year, a unit commander course and alternative service.

The term of service in the army is expected to be 11 months. Men aged 18 to 27 will be called up for military service. Women will be able to serve voluntarily.

Source: Interfax

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