Turkey is seeking a meeting of Russian and German energy ministers in Istanbul next December, media reports citing the organizers of the meeting.
“We can unite countries and organizations in conflict. In fact, we would like to bring together the energy ministers of Germany and Russia. It will be a great success,” Abdulla Deger, chairman of the executive committee of the Istanbul Economic Summit, quoted the Aydınlik newspaper on Wednesday Turkey and the Istanbul Economic Summit.
Deger added: “I suggested this to the parties and they replied that it was not realistic, but suddenly it might be possible to organize an event within 24 hours.”
He added that the summit will be held at the Cheragan Palace in Istanbul on December 8 and 9, noting that foreign companies will take an active part in the forum, and the organizers have also invited Russian companies.
Earlier, the Turkish Ministry of Energy reported that it had reached a preliminary agreement with Russia on the creation of a Russian gas center on Turkish territory.
Source: “News”