You may be struggling with anger and want to know ways to better manage and reduce it. It’s a wise step to take because too much anger may disrupt your life and relationships over the long term.
You’ll feel better and be able to function to the best of your ability when you feel good and are less out of control. While taming your anger isn’t always easy it is possible when you apply the following coping mechanisms. You’ll be glad you have these handy in the future when your triggers arise and you need to calm down fast.
Know Your Triggers & Warning Signs
Your first step in taming your anger is to be aware of your triggers and warning signs. Think about what sets you off the most and gets under your skin. Understanding what these are and being cautious when around them may help you feel less angry in the moment and avoid letting your anger get out of control. Try to steer clear of your triggers or have a plan for when you do encounter them. Know your warning signs and keep an anger log to get a better idea of what usually makes you upset.
Take Deep Breaths
One simple yet effective technique for taming your anger is to practice deep breathing. It’s not only helpful and will deliver the results you desire but it’s also a discrete way to calm yourself down. You can do it anywhere and at any time and no one even has to know. The secret to making sure it works is to go slow and to take deep enough breaths.
Distract Yourself
You may also want to consider using diversions or distractions to buy yourself some time. You’ll have a better chance of dealing with your anger in a healthy manner when you can distract yourself for even as little as 30 minutes. You can set the problem aside for the moment and return to it when you’re in a better frame of mind. Some ideas include going for a walk, reading a book, or watching a movie.
Take A Time Out
Another anger management technique and coping mechanism for taming your anger is to give yourself a time out. Remove yourself from the situation and revisit it once you can cool down. It’s an especially helpful tool when you’re in a heated situation or argument with someone else.
Consequences of Not Controlling Your Anger
The reality is that not taming your anger or being out of control may affect professional, personal, and romantic relationships. It’s worth you finding healthy ways and coping mechanisms that will help ensure you don’t say words or take actions you’ll later regret. Keeping your anger under control is essential to you living a rewarding and healthy lifestyle and ensuring you don’t have to keep apologizing for how you respond.
These ideas will get you on the right track to identifying what triggers your anger and being able to successfully navigate what you’re feeling. Be patient with yourself because it may take some time before you’re fully in control and don’t have any slip-ups.