Historical Precedent. First US Coin Signed by Two Women (photo)

The first American banknotes signed by two women were introduced, marking the first time in American history, and the first event of its kind was held in Fort Worth, Texas.

And US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced a precedent in American history when she first showed a $5 coin signed by two women.

Yellen’s signature will appear next to that of Lynn Malerpa, Treasurer of the US Department of the Treasury and the first Native American to hold the post.

Yellen joked about the poor handwriting of some of her former male employees, saying, “I admit I spent some time practicing my signature.”

For her part, added Malirpa, who traveled with Yellen to the Mint’s office in Fort Worth, Texas, to present her signatures.

They signed the new one and five dollar bills, and photographs of them were taken with the models to document the historic moment.

The new coins will go into circulation next year.

Source: Associated Press.

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