Germany stops pumping gas into underground storage

Data from Gas Infrastructure Europe and WindEurope show that Germany has somewhat slowed down the rate at which gas is pumped into underground storage facilities.

It is noteworthy that the average occupancy of German underground warehouses reached 64.44% as of July 15, and the figure increased by 0.05 percentage points per day. compared to 0.08 and 0.01 p.p. on previous days.

It is known that Germany has further increased the withdrawal of gas from underground storage facilities after the shutdown of the Nord Stream gas pipeline for periodic maintenance.

And he stopped pumping Russian gas through this pipeline to Germany from 11 to 21 July.

The shortage of gas in the German market led to the fact that on July 12 Germany – for the first time in four months, since April 4 – turned to withdrawing gas from its storage facilities.

On the other hand, the volume of wind generation in the European Union on July 16 amounted to 14.5% and approached the level of early July.

For comparison, last week the figure averaged 15.26%, and last month – 11.23%, which is the lowest figure since the beginning of the year.

Source: RIA Novosti

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