Fighter Monson renounces US citizenship in opposition to Washington policy

Former mixed martial arts fighter Jeff Monson, who received Russian citizenship, said today, Thursday, that he is going to renounce American citizenship due to his rejection of Washington’s policies.

Monson said: “I renounce my American citizenship. In the spring I will only have a Russian passport. I do not agree with US policy, they interfere in the affairs of other countries, and people suffer because of them.” Yes, I have children in the USA, but I love Russia and the Russian people.

The fighter added: “I like everything here, and I only want to have a Russian passport.”

The American fighter received Russian citizenship in 2018, becoming a deputy of the Krasnogorsk City Council of the Moscow Region.

52-year-old Jeff Monson was born in the United States of America and competed in the country in various martial arts and federations, including several fights within the Federation (UFC) in mixed martial arts.

During his professional career, Monson has 61 wins, 27 losses and two draws.

Source: TASS agency

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