Beijing Downplays Potential Success of U.S. Restrictions on Russia

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin criticized US officials’ statements about the success of sanctions against Russia and the possibility of Washington using such a model to build relations with China.

“I know that the relevant US official spoke about measures to reduce exports to Russia and called them successful, I don’t even know where to start talking about this success on the American side,” a Chinese official said at a press conference. conference on Wednesday.

He continued: “People around the world know that the United States is now facing the worst inflation in 40 years, that food and energy prices in the United States are constantly rising and making life very difficult for ordinary people, and consumer expectations in the United States have fallen. to the lowest level since 1952.

The official emphasized that the United States is the instigator of the crisis in Ukraine, and said: “The United States is the instigator of the crisis in Ukraine, as it constantly exacerbates existing contradictions, creates new ones, brandishes a baton of sanctions, uses measures of economic coercion, repeatedly interferes in normal relations between countries, violates international trade rules, which further complicates and widens the crisis in Ukraine.

He noted that the world is currently experiencing a difficult situation in the stock markets, oil and gas markets, food and non-ferrous metals, while the population of developing countries has been particularly hard hit.

“The facts prove that the mentality of the era of the cold war and opposing blocs cannot succeed, but can lead to a blow both to itself (the United States) and to global peace and security. The American side should think about it,” said a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman.

Source: TASS

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