On August 9, 2014, a police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, who was 18 and lived in the suburb of St. Louis called Ferguson, Missouri. Brown and a friend are said to have fought with Darren Wilson, a police officer, who then fired his gun at Brown. Just before the shooting, the suspect in a robbery that happened at a convenience store was said to match Brown’s description. On August 11, 2014, Attorney General Eric Holder said that the federal government would look into the matter.
After days of riots and violence, during which two journalists were arrested by local authorities, the Missouri Highway Patrol took over security in Ferguson on August 14, 2014, hoping to change the mood of the area and stop the violence from getting worse. The highway patrol took off their riot gear and walked with the people and talked with them for a while. Ron Johnson, the patrol’s captain, talked about his personal ties to the area by saying, “I walked around these areas. Ron Johnson will still be here when the media from out of state and the people from outside of this area leav