after pa gas well explosion chevron hands out gift certificates for free pizza

Less than a week after a natural gas well in southwestern Pennsylvania caught fire and exploded, the energy company Chevron has been criticised for sending a letter of apology to local residents that included a coupon for a large pizza and two-liter drink. One worker was hurt, and another is missing and thought to be dead. called the pizza place on the coupons to confirm that the company did, in fact, give out about 100 of them. (UPDATE: Chevron has said that the certificates were sent out. (Their full answer is below.)
Hello, Neighbor

We’re sorry you weren’t there. We wanted to give you an update on what happened on Chevron Appalachia’s Lancoe 7 H well pads in Dunkard Township on February 11 and see if you had any questions or concerns that we could answer.

Chevron knows how this has affected the neighbourhood. We care about being a responsible part of this community and will keep trying to run our business without any problems. We are committed to doing what we can to keep our neighbours, employees, contractors, and the environment safe.

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