A short documentary about the life of the eponymous girl Amani, an Iraqi Asian champion in track and field athletics, fulfilled the desire of an athlete whose leg was amputated to be treated in Australia.
The documentary has received numerous Arab awards.
The director of the Iraqi film, Fadel Mahud, told the Iraqi news agency INA, “Amani is a short documentary film written by the late artist Saad Hadabi, which tells the life story of an Iraqi girl from Nasiriyah, an Asian champion in athletics in the arena and in the field.”
Mahood added: “What drew my attention to making a film about the life of this girl who named the film after her was her tragic story of losing her legs in a cowardly terrorist attack.”
He continued, “That’s where the idea of making the film ‘Amani’ came from, which was supposed to reach the whole world through international film festivals.”
He also affirmed that “the film fulfilled the desire of 19-year-old Amani to be treated outside of Iraq in Australia after the film won international and local sympathy, which was preceded by numerous appeals to the Iraqi government. for the possibility of financial support for a surgical operation worth up to $100,000.”
Source: Iraqi News Agency.